03-25-2021 Effervescence Ombres have arrived!!

Easter Holiday Hours
The shop will be closed on Friday April 2nd and Saturday April 3rd for the Easter Holiday.Since the shop is always closed Sundays and Mondays, it will reopen Tuesday April 6th.
New in the Shop
This beautiful new collection call Effervescence was designed by Dan Morris for Quilting Treasures.  The prints have a wonderful ombre quality to them

Class sizes are limited so sign up soon!
Dresden Wreath Wall Hanging

Saturday May 8th 10:30am to 3pm
Instructor: Cheryl Hank
Class:$25  Pattern:$10 Template: $12

This wreath can be made for any season or holiday!The new Effervescence fabrics would make a beautiful Spring wreath.
PayPal is charging shipping fees when you register on line.  So, please stop in or
call the shop to register for classes until this issue is resolved.

What are you making!
Maryann Templin made this beautiful Willows raw edge applique wall hanging!

Just in time for the holiday, Kathy Betz made this embroidered table runner!

Shop Hours
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 10am to 5pm.
Saturdays from 10 am to 3pm
No appointments are necessary, but as a courtesy to your fellow quilters who may be at a higher risk, please wear your mask upon entering the shop and practice sew-cial distancing. Thanks.

                           Facebook Page                                                   
Check out our Facebook page to see weekly posts and be sure to like us!  You can also go to the shop's web page at www.the-quiltedcrow.com and click on the Facebook button in the upper right hand corner.  Thanks!

 Crow Sew- Next meeting Wednesday April 7th at 10am at the Quilted Crow  
 Sewcial Guild - Next Zoom meeting Thursday April 22nd at 1:30pm. If you are
           interest in  participating, please contact Carol Moll at csmoll@outlook.com
 Quilts of Valor -Next meeting to be determined