01-21-2021 Clearance Sale Starts Next Week!!!

New in the Shop

Six gorgeous new Banyan batiks have arrived in the shop. 

January Inventory Clearance Sale Starts Next Week!!

Sale dates: Tuesday Jan. 26th through Saturday Jan 30th.

All Fall, Halloween, and Christmas/winter print fabrics are 25% off. 

Mark your calendar and come in early for best selection!

Great News! The 2021 Eastern PA Shop Hop is scheduled for Nov 5th - Nov 20th and all nine quilt shops will be participating!  Passports go on sale Aug. 1st. The fabric selection this year is batiks, and the beautiful focus fabric, pictured below, is from the Benartex Bali Impressions collection.



Class sizes are limited so sign up soon!

Easy Rag Quilt
This cozy throw size quilt can be made with flannel or homespun fabrics with colors to match almost any decor.
Thursday January 28th      10:30 am to 3:30 pm
Instructor: Cheryl Ann Hank
Class fee: $25      Pattern:$10

Clothes Line Place Mats
Make a great place mat with clothes line rope and scrap fabrics!
Saturday February 13th      10:30 am to 2:30 pm
Instructor: Christie Washburn
Class fee: $20      Pattern:included

Please stop in or call the shop to register for classes.

Coming in February- curvy log cabin table runner.
Stay tuned for date and times!

         What Else Are You Making?
 Now that the shop is open, quilters are bringing in their "quarantine" creations to share.
 Adrianna Heffner used some of the Kim Diehl blenders to  make this adorable guardian angel which you will see sitting on our register next time you come into the shop!

 Shop Hours
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 10am to 5pm.
Saturdays from 10 am to 3pm
No appointments are necessary, but as a courtesy to your fellow quilters who may be at a higher risk, please wear your mask upon entering the shop and practice sew-cial distancing. Thanks.

                           Facebook Page                                                   
Check out our Facebook page to see weekly posts and be sure to like us!  You can also go to the shop's web page at www.the-quiltedcrow.com and click on the Facebook button in the upper right hand corner.  Thanks!

  Crow Sew- Next meeting Wednesday January 27th at 10am at the Quilted Crow  
   Sewcial Guild - Next Zoom meeting Thursday January 28th at 1:30pm. If you are interest in
                            participating, please contact Carol Moll at csmoll@outlook.com
    Quilts of Valor -Next meeting to be determined