2/28/19 - Stonehenge Challenges are starting soon!
~Solstice Panel Quilt Challenge~ To celebrate the 10 year anniversary of Stonehenge Fabrics, Northcott will be sponsoring 3 contests this year: The International Block Party ***Solstice Panel Quilt Challenge*** Traveling Stonehenge Quilt Display Last week, we linked you to the International Block Party. This week, we're linking you to the Solstice Panel Quilt Challenge Page on the Northcott website. Click the picture above for more information. We have also prepared a document explaining all three contests in detail and a .PDF version may be downloaded HERE. The Stonehenge Fabrics will be available for purchase at the Crow on or before 3/9/18 and will be featured in next week's newsletter. For sale in the shop next week: ~Sunflower Wall Hanging Kits~ designed by Maryann Templin  (click the image to view a larger version) Coming in March: ~The 29th Annual Lancaster Quilt Show~ *NEW LOCATION FOR 2019!* For more information about the show, please click HERE to visit the Lancaster Quilt Show home page. The Quilted Crow will once again have a booth at the show, stop by and say hello! And remember, even if you can't make it to Lancaster, the Crow will still be open during the event to serve all of your quilting needs!
NEW! ~Paper-Piecing: Carol's Daisy~ NEW! Instructor: Carol Moll Learn to paper piece an easy flower shape in colors of your choice, and place it on a shirt you can wear or a bag to carry your sewing projects!  Date: Friday, April 5th, 1:00pm - 5:00pm Class Fee: $20 + $5 Pattern + Materials Please be considerate of your classmates - be familiar with your sewing machine and choose your fabric prior to class so you are prepared to start the project when class begins! To sign up and view the required supply list, click HERE or call the shop for more information. ~Crazy 4 Patches or Crazy 9 Patches~ Instructor: Jody Beck Make either 4 Patch blocks or 9 Patch blocks, then stack and slash them using Jody’s technique to make quick and easy quilts. NOTE: The 4 Patch and 9 Patch patterns are now both back in stock!  (Crazy 4 Patch)  (Crazy 9 Patch) This technique is a great way to use your fabric stash! The patterns feature this fun, new look in many sizes, and takes quilts from plain to amazing! Date: Wednesday, March 20th, 10:30am - 3:00pm at the Palmerton Library across the street from the shop Class Fee: $39 + $10 Pattern Please note that there is pre-work required for this class. Also, sewing machine and rotary cutting skills are required. To sign up, please call the shop at (610)900-4700 or click HERE to sign up online.

Crow Sew - The next scheduled meeting at the Crow will now be on Wednesday, March 13th at 10am. Sewcial Guild -The next scheduled meeting will be on Thursday, March 21st at 11am. The guild meets in the upper floor Gallery of the Palmerton Library, across the street from the Shop. Elevator access to the upper floor is available. Quilts of Valor - The next scheduled meeting at the Crow will be on Thursday, March 21st at 2pm. ***As always, we'd like to remind you that groups and guilds are a great way to make new friends! If you're wondering exactly what happens at the meetings listed above, you're more than welcome to stop by and sit in with no obligation!***