2/22/18 - Two new classes added this week!
~Beginning Quilting by Machine~Instructor: Cindy Mengel-Smith
These classes begin in one week and won't be offered again until the Fall - don't miss out!
Make either a crib or lap size quilt from start to finish!
Eight 2-hour sessions held on Fridays OR Saturdays from 10:30am - 12:30pm

This 8 week class will introduce you to quilting by machine and rotary cutting. You will learn tips and tricks, beginning with choosing fabrics, to make your quilting journey a successful one.
You must be comfortable with your sewing machine to take this class. You will also need a ¼ inch foot for your sewing machine before the second class. We will be covering rotary cutting, so you will need a cutting mat, rotary cutter and rulers for the first class.
You have the option of making either a baby quilt or a lap size quilt using 4 colors of your choice. Although you do not need to purchase your fabric from The Quilted Crow, we do require that all fabrics be quilt grade fabric.
A supply list will be provided upon class registration. Class size is limited, so sign up early!
Dates: Friday classes begin on Friday, March 2nd Saturday classes begin on Saturday, March 3rd Class hours are 10:30am - 12:30pm.
Class Fee: $75 for complete 8-session cycle + $15 Class Notebook + Materials
To register, simply call the shop at (610)900-4700 or click either link below to register online.
To sign up for the FRIDAY classes, click HERE.
To sign up for the SATURDAY classes, click HERE. *NEW* ~Celtic Knot Appliqué~ *NEW*Instructor: Cherie Troester
Let Cherie teach you the Celtic Knot Appliqué technique used to create this stunning 12” x 46” table runner! Date: Tuesday, March 13th from 12:30pm - 4:30pm
Class Fee: $20
Some extra supplies are required for this class: Stencil ($3), Bias Tape Maker ($6.75) and Wonder Tape ($6.50)
Class discount: students will be able to purchase all required supplies listed above as a bundle for $14.50
To register, simply click HERE to sign up online or simply call the shop at (610)900-4700. ~Fun & Done Quilt~
Instructor: Cindy Mengel-Smith
Satisfy your need for speed with an easy quilt-as-you-go technique!

We will be making a colorful 15” x 45” table runner using the “Street Smart Quilt” pattern from Fun & Done Quilting. Fun&Done! Quilting is a fast and easy quilt-as-you-go technique, as the quilting is completed as each block is constructed. Sew the blocks together, and you’re done! Now that’s fun! It’s all done by machine, and the binding is the fastest technique that you’ve ever seen.
 The Batting Buddy (pictured above) is NOT required. However, almost everyone who tries one loves it! The motto of Fun&Done! is “satisfy your need for speed”. The Batting Buddy takes your project up to rocket speed! Some pre-work is required. Fabric requirements and pre-work instructions will be supplied upon class registration.
Date: Thursday, March 15th from 10:30am - 3:30pm
Class Fee: $20 + $9 pattern. Optional Batting Buddy available in the shop for $22.
To register, either click the picture above, click HERE to sign up online or simply call the shop at (610)900-4700. *NEW* ~Seminole Strategies~ *NEW*Instructor: Cherie Troester Seminole quilting originated from the Seminole patchwork used for clothing by southeastern Seminole Native Americans. In the late 1800s it was a long trip from the Everglades to trade for cotton cloth so women began sewing strips made from the fabric left on the end of the bolts to make what was know as “strip clothing”. The sewing machine became available to these women around the end of the 19th century making it possible to use much smaller strips.
Seminole designs grew to become even more elaborate and complex. Seminole patchwork was usually used for traditional dress including the women’s long full skirts and big patchwork shirts worn by the men. Even today these garments are worn for special occasions. These beautiful Seminole patchwork patterns eventually became popular in quilt making as well.
Seminole piecing in quilting can lead to beautiful, often elaborate designs. In this class, Cherie will teach you how to make the quilting piece more intricate by simply changing the design of one block.Date: Wednesday, April 4th from 12:30pm - 3:30pm
Class Fee: $15 (no pattern required)
To register, either click the picture above, click HERE to sign up online or simply call the shop at (610)900-4700. ~Coming Soon - Notions Commotion!~ Brenda Watson from Checker will be demonstrating how to use the newest rulers from Creative Grids to create stunning quilts.
Some of you may recall when we held a similar event in our previous location and we look forward to bringing it to you again!Date: Saturday, April 14th Two sessions: 10:30am - Noon OR 1:00pm - 2:30pm at the Palmerton Library
Admission fee: $10
A door prize from Checker will be awarded after each session!
To register, please call the shop at (610)900-4700. Online registration will be available next week.
Available in the shop now:~Pumpkin Patch Lap Quilt Kits~ Kits are available now for $20 to make this 39" x 50" quilt which uses the Disappearing Hourglass pattern. ~Shamrock Wall Hanging Kits~ Kits are available for $20 to make this Celtic Shamrock Wall Hanging which measures 36" x 36". ~Plain and Simple Wall Hanging Kits~ Kits to create this 35" x 56" wall hanging are available now for $30.
~Can you help?~Occasionally, we receive requests from customers who would like to pay others to perform quilting work which they can not complete themselves. In this section, we'll be listing these requests:
1. We have a local gentleman who owns two vintage quilts which are in need of repair.
2. Another gentleman would like two baby quilts made from a bathrobe and another garment.
If you are interested in helping out, please contact the shop at (610)900-4700 and we'll supply the necessary contact information.
Quilts of Valor - The next scheduled meeting/work session at the Crow will be this Saturday, February 24th, 2018 at 10am.Crow Sew - The next scheduled meeting at the Crow will be onWednesday, February 28th, 2018 at 10am.Sewcial Guild - The next scheduled meeting will be on Thursday, March 22nd, 2018 from 11am - 2pm. The guild meets in the upper floor Gallery of the Palmerton Library, across the street from the Shop. Elevator access to the upper floor is available.
***As always, we'd like to remind you that groups and guilds are a great way to make new friends! If you're wondering exactly what happens at the meetings listed above, you're more than welcome to stop by and sit in with no obligation!***
The Quilted Crow