11/9/17 - Only 9 more days left in the Shop Hop!
~The 15th Annual Eastern PA Shop Hop is happening now!~ The Shop Hop continues through Saturday, November 18th.
During the event, the Crow will have extended store hours:
Monday: 10am - 5pm Tuesday - Friday: 10am -6pm Saturday: 10am - 5pm Sunday: Noon - 4pmThe fabric collection for this year's event is Natural Beauty by Kanvas Studio. This beautiful wildflower print in a black, cream, gold, rust and green color way will make this one of the best in the history of the shop hop!
To view this year's fabric collection, click HERE. It is sad to report that the first day of the shop hop for the Quilted Crow began with the theft of a $100 quilt kit. This was not a drug addict who needed to sell the kit to get money for their next fix. It was not a destitute person who needed to sell the kit to get their next meal. This was a fellow quilter! It was person who can afford to purchase a shop hop passport and travel from shop to shop. It was someone who saw that the shop was busy and took the opportunity to slip the kit into their shop hop bag. What motivates a person to steal? This act was not out of need. Is it just a game to them? The worst part was that this quilter not only has no respect for the shop, but also has no respect for the veterans that serve this country, for it was a Quilts of Valor quilt kit. Trusting fellow quitters just comes naturally, however, when things like this happen, I wonder if I should join the other small quilt shops and close my doors. It is devastating to experience this type of event.
 2017 Passport Block: Our 2017 Shop Hop Quilt which is entitled "Butterflies in the Wildflowers" (click the image to view a much larger version which allows for zooming)Shown below are 4 projects we've created using Natural Beauty fabrics. Kits for these projects will be available during the Shop Hop
 Versatile Wave Purse
 Thistle Dot Wildflower Wall Hanging
 Potpourri Wall Hanging
  2017 Shop Hop Table Runner ~Coming Soon: Gray Saturday Sale!~

When: Saturday, November 25th
Save 25% off the following fabric collections (in-store purchases only):
Rosehill (2016 Shop Hop Fabric)
Kim Diehl's Sunday Best
Brianna Collection (2017 Block of the Month fabric)
The following fabric collections will be 30% off:
Opposite's Attract
More information coming soon!
More classes coming after the Shop Hop - watch this space!
Sewcial Guild - The next scheduled meeting will be on Thursday, November 16th, from 11am - 2pm. The guild meets in the upper floor Gallery of the Palmerton Library, across the street from the Shop. Elevator access to the upper floor is available.Crow Sew - The next scheduled meeting at the Crow will be onWednesday, November 22nd at 10am.Quilts of Valor - QoV is again on hiatus until the new year. The next scheduled meeting/work session at the Crow will be on Saturday, January 27th, 2018 at 10am.
***As always, we'd like to remind you that groups and guilds are a great way to make new friends! If you're wondering exactly what happens at the meetings listed above, you're more than welcome to stop by and sit in with no obligation!***
The Quilted Crow