6/15/17 - The 2017 Carbon County Fair Quilt Block Contest is here!
Block of the Month - The next instruction session at the Crow will be onTuesday, June 20th, from 10:30am - 11:30am.Crow Sew - The next scheduled meeting at the Crow will be on Wednesday, June 21st at 10am.Sewcial Guild - The next scheduled meeting will be on Thursday, June 22nd at 11am. The guild meets in the upper floor Gallery of the Palmerton Library, across the street from the Shop. Elevator access to the upper floor is available.Quilts of Valor - QoV is on hiatus for the summer, the next scheduled meeting will be on Saturday, September, 23rd.***As always, we'd like to remind you that groups and guilds are a great way to make new friends! If you're wondering exactly what happens at the meetings listed above, you're more than welcome to stop by and sit in with no obligation!***
~Carbon County Fair~ Quilt Block Contest (click the picture to visit the Carbon County Fair website)The Quilted Crow is proud to sponsor the 2017 Quilt Block Contest. This years's theme is "Country Scenes...Blue Ribbon Dreams."
Premium Books are available now in the shop which contain the required entry form.
For more information about this event, including submission rules and prize list, click HERE to download a .PDF file of the event page from the Premium Book.
You can also download the General Entry Form for printing by clickingHERE.
The deadline for your submissions is July 22nd. Good luck!