4/13/17 - Spring Cleaning for Quilts
~Easter Holiday Shop Hours~ The shop will close at 2pm on Friday, April 14th (Good Friday) and will be CLOSED on Saturday, April 15th for the Easter Holiday.
***3 new classes added this week!***If you have questions about any of the classes below, please give us a call at (610)900-4700.
NOTE: To sign up for a class, you may either do so online or by calling the shop. Click any image below to visit the appropriate page on our site. NEW! Happy Holidays Table Topper NEW!
Instructor: Anita McCartney
Learn how the 60 degree triangle ruler turns simple rectangles into stunning triangles for every season. This 23" Table Topper makes a wonderful addition for any occasion!
Date: Thursday, April 27th 10:30am - 3:00pm at the Crow
Class Fee: $20 + Pattern ($9.50) + MaterialsTo visit the appropriate Class page on our website, click on either picture above or click HERE. Bowl or Casserole Cozy
Instructor: Barb Skiffington

Stop burning your fingers while removing hot bowls or casseroles from the microwave!
This reversible cozy can be made in three sizes, 10inch, 12 inch, or 15 inch. The instructions will be provided for all three bowls. The 12 inch bowl will be made in class. It is important that your fabric, thread and batting are 100% cotton so it is safe to go into the microwave.
Date: Thursday, April 20th 10:00am - 3pm at the Crow Class Fee: $25 + Pattern ($5) + MaterialsTo visit the appropriate Class page on our website, click on either picture above or click HERE. NEW! Tulip Table Runner NEW!
Instructor: Maryann Templin
This beautiful tulip table runner created by Maryann Templin is a great addition to any Spring decor. The finished size is 21 x 44 ½ inches and has 4 paper pieced tulips. The scallop border adds a great finishing touch! Date: Saturday, May 17th 10:30am - 4pmClass Fee: $35 + Pattern ($8) + MaterialsTo visit the appropriate Class page on our website, click on either picture above or click HERE. NEW! Bog Jacket NEW!

In this 2 day class session, Sharon Rehrig will teach you how to make this stunning jacket from a rectangle of fabric. Pictures on a computer or cell phone not do this jacket justice. Visit the shop to see this jacket today! Class size limited, sign up early.Dates: Friday, June 9th, 1pm - 5:30pm Saturday, June 10th, 10:00am - 3:30pmClass Fee: $60 + FabricTo visit the appropriate Class page on our website, click on either picture above or click HERE.
Crow Sew - The next scheduled meeting will be on Wednesday, April 26th at 10am.
And speaking of Crow Sew, we're happy to announce the recent wedding of group leader Barb Godshalk to Mr. Bob Skiffington. Shown below is a picture from the celebration we had in the shop during the last Crow Sew meeting. From all of us at the Crow: Congratulations, Mrs. Skiffington!
 (L to R: Carol Moll, Carole Dickinson, Barb Skiffington and Maryann Templin)
Sewcial Guild - The next scheduled meeting will be on Thursday, April 27th at 11am. The guild meets in the upper floor Gallery of the Palmerton Library, across the street from the Shop. Elevator access to the upper floor is available.
~Spring Cleaning for Quilts~Since many of us are in the midst of spring cleaning, cleaning our quilts is usually on our “to do” list. Below is an excerpt from Quilt Care Tips by Barb Gorges to help clean our beloved quilts safely:
1. The advice given here is not meant for art quilts or old or fragile quilts. If you aren’t sure, consult an expert. For antique quilt care, see the International Quilt Study Center and Museum’s information.
2. If a quilt smells but otherwise looks clean, air it. Lay it flat between two sheets on the lawn, if safe, or flat in the house somewhere with good air circulation. Or try fluffing for a little time in the dryer without heat. Or bag it in plastic for a few days after wadding it up with little cloth bags filled with cedar chips or dried lavender.
3. If a quilt is dusty, try vacuuming it. Lay a piece of screen over a section so that the vacuum hose doesn’t suck it up. Or put a stocking over the end of the hose.
4. Dry cleaning is not good for cotton and cotton/polyester quilts. It may be OK for a strong quilt made primarily of fabrics normally dry cleaned, such as some wools and silks.
5. Never wash a quilt until all damage has been repaired.
6. Be sure a quilt is washable before getting it wet. If you made the quilt, you should have tested the fabrics. If someone else made it and you don’t know if they tested, check suspect fabrics (red, hot pink, dark blue) by rubbing a wet, white piece of cotton fabric on them to see if any color comes off.
7. In a top-loading washing machine, substitute agitation by hand for the machine’s agitation cycle.
8. A home-type, front-loading washing machine’s “hand wash” setting is suitable for a quilt in good condition.
9. Test a commercial front-loading machine to make sure it doesn’t have residual soap by running it through a complete cycle without adding your quilt or soap.
10. Rinse the quilt enough that the water from the last rinse is not soapy.
11. Avoid all laundry products (bleach, chlorine-free bleach, fabric softener, detergents) except the plainest sodium lauryl sulfate type soap you can find.
12. Never hang a wet quilt on a clothesline. It will be heavy enough to break the stitching.
13. Laying a quilt flat to dry is best. If you have to use a dryer, use it on medium heat only until the quilt is nearly dry.